Saturday 1 June 2019

Happy June 1st!

Can't believe June has come around so fast!... but really excited that it has!!!

The current annual catalogue waves goodbye to us on Monday 3rd June, any final orders must be submitted by 10:50pm (GMT) while this news could be seen as sad....

It means it's just 3 more sleeps until our BRAND NEW CATALOGUE LAUNCHES!!!  - Every cloud, and all that!!!

So, if you haven't already requested a new catalogue from me NOW is the time to do so!
There is a 'request/question' box just over on the right side of this page.

If you're free on Tuesday (launch day!) why not come and join my 'Coffee & Card' event where you'll make a lovely card using BRAND NEW PRODUCTS from this new Catalogue, have a cuppa and an edible treat, AND I'll talk you through the new catty and give you a copy to take home and drool over!!!!
Let me know if you can come and I'll save you a seat! - 0777 623 4012

Due to being poorly Ive had to make some alterations to the class schedule, BUT this means you can still book onto some fab upcoming classes...

One not to be missed, particularly if you're a newbie to this crafting malarky!

For the FULL calendar list of upcoming classes, click here to pop over to the CLASSES and EVENTS page!